Saturday, February 19, 2011

A first recap: You know that you are in Groningen, when...

4 more hours - then its 6 weeks that I 've been in Groningen; time to make a first recap. Trying to do this funny - sorry if it is not and sorry to all the Dutch people that might be offended by my following statements ;) dont worry, I am really exaggerating - I love being here! ^^

You know that you are in Groningen, when... never ever need more then 10 minutes to go somewhere within the city by bike have not one "Netherland Idol" but 4 similar shows on TV
...people are interested in different cultures
...a big beer means 0.33
...going out means: vorglühen starting at 11pm and leaving the house at 2 am can party every day of the week
...some people get drunk at noon
...some people get drunk in order to study better the next day
...some people play games that were cool 10 years ago can almost not dance in a club because the clubs are too small
...all the girls are tall, and when you look at their shoes, they were sneakers and no high-heels always meet somebody you know accidentally when you go out (this also already counts for me!!! :))
...students have an own cinema-room within their studenthouse
...people stay approximately 7 years or longer in the same studenthouse (some even until they are 42 ;) )
...26 people can live in the same floor and still like each other dont get tomato+salade in a quarter pounder because that would be too healthy
...there is always mayo on the eating table always eat sandwichs at lunch never have to eat dinner alone, unless you want to
...people understand and speak englisch, even the old lady at the cashier
...there never is an old lady at the cashier but only young people
...people give their keys to the cashier in the supermarket
...the cashier is friendly and polite
...people make more fun of people from Friesland than Germans
...the official language is actually copied from German but with a very weird dialect (eg. pronouncing the "g" very strong), so that you only understand half of what the people are saying.. x) .. well or German is copied from Dutch ;)

Pictures of Groningen can be found on my facebook (

Below: me & Promo Bear ;)

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