Saturday, February 26, 2011

101 places to see before you die!

101 places to see before you die!

A statement that does now decorate my room. The walls here were quite awful so I am trying to cover as much as possible with posters and pictures.. Two posters from Vienna, 1 picture + the Austrian flag are already there; a picture wall is planned and now this poster as well.

Checking all the recommended places, I wonder if it is sad that I can only cross out 8 out of 100 places (not sure if moon really counts^^), giving me 8% I have done already. Bearing in mind that I am 23 years old, and the expectancy of life for men is 76,17 years in Austria (btw: 76,37 in Netherlands and 80,61 (!!!!) in Andorra - I have to move to Andorra!) I allready reached 30 % of my life. So in the final 70 % i have to make up 92 %, even tough I am not really happy with the idea of visiting Island for example ;)
The first step of broadening my horizont has been done already this week, as I bought 8 traintickets (there are only 7 left - you're welcome, Raluca! ;)) at the low-price-special-offer-i-dont-know-what-they-actually-really-sell-shop "Kruidvat". Buying them was quite funny as the first store did not have them anymore and therefore the sales person explained the way to the next shop to me... I had no idea about how to get there but luckily another customer a beautiful ~30yr old woman asked me outside the shop if she should get me by car to the store. After first being a little bit afraid of getting in a car with a stranger (my mum always told me not to do so, unless they offer sweets to me xD), and then hoping this might turn into an erotic adventure, 10 minutes later, I stepped out of the car and reached the Kruidvat where I got the tickets. (13 € for driving around 24 hours through the Netherlands).

So my next trips:
today: Haren
tomorrow meeting Ben in Rotterdam;
5-6 March:  Aisesc Party in Maastricht
26-28 March: Paris ft. Amsterdam (oke Kruidvat wont help me much with this)
2 April: Bremen - who wanna join me there?

Utrecht, Amsterdam, Den Hague, London are on the waiting list where no date is fixed yet and Vienna could become a trip for late October :)
Any other suggestions where to go?
New York would enable me to cross out 3 more spots on the poster.. I mean I have to think efficient - right? :)

Besides that I am really feeling fine here. I got used to the daily life, used to working, used to riding the bicycle.
But still of course I am missing my friends and therefore looking forward to the last April week when the Zierer-Creek (as it seems) will become reunited.
Also looking forward to all the other people (FH-Roadtrip???) that plan to visit me so that they can cross out 1 of the 102 places (Groningen incl.) they have to see before they die ;)



  1. Yeah---Roadtrip mit Jelica!!!!!


  2. I also own this poster, and I bought it probably around the same time as you did, and I got kind of obsessed with it, so I'm currently at 65 out of the 101 (not counting the moon)

    I wonder who made this selection, which is rather subjective.

    And some places could be combined, because why are "Bridge of Sighs" and "St. Mark’s Square" in Venice two different places, they are right next to each other!
    Same goes for Cape Town/Table Mountain ...
    And 4 differents places in New York alone? Why?

    If you combine all these "double" entries, you get space for at lest 10 more places :-)
